Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Back for seconds

In 2005, I stumbled upon the first blog I would follow. I was a junior at the University of Illinois and was entirely consumed  completely obsessed  utterly tormented focused on being accepted to medical school. One day, I was forwarded a link to a comic strip titled "The 12 Types of Med Students. (Never heard of it? Click here for a good chuckle. For the record, I was initially "The Sensitive Soul." But once I got to medical school and had chronic migraines, I became "The Missing"/"The Crier." And now I am "The Sane One." Carry on). After some snooping, I found that the creator of the comic, Michelle, had a blog called "The Underwear Drawer."

And so I began to read it.

I still read Michelle's blog, along with a handful of others (Lauren Conrad and Mix and Match Mama are amongst my faves). I love getting a glimpse into someone's life, because I'm nosy like that. And now that I'm a blogger, I'm ready to give y'all a peek into my world.

When I began toying with the idea of blogging, I asked my sister, Nikita, for suggestions for a title. I wanted the name to reflect me - and she does know me pretty darn well. In retrospect, I should have known better than to ask the girl who commonly declares that this is HER world, and we're all just living in it. Ever the narcissist, she advocated for the title to be "i wuv nikita." I do love you, Nikita, even though I didn't mention you at all in my first post (yes, she did complain about that). But . . . no.

The name, "Just a Spoonful of . . . Something," is just like it sounds - a dash of this, a dollop of that, all of which make up my lovely life. This includes:

* Baking incessantly

I bake at least twice a week. Something about mixing batter soothes me. That must mean I require a lot of soothing, no? 

Sometimes it's from scratch: other times, I use a mix as a base. Either way, it's sweet, and everyone needs a smidge of sweet in their lives - and I will share my sweetness with you.

* And cooking too, because a girl can't live off of baked goods alone. (But oh, if I could . . .)

My family is brimming with fabulous cooks - especially my mom. I always had the best lunches at school, and I had home cooked food every. single. night. Then I went off to college and discovered that the plate of steaming hot deliciousness didn't magically appear before me on its own. What?!

And so I learned to make my own meals, and now I'll tell you about the concoctions that turned out splendidly.

* Real books, because I'm old school and supremely nerdy.

I don't own a Kindle or Nook and probably never will. I'd rather go to the public library and get a stack of books, because it's free. IT'S FREE, YOU GUYS.

I usually read right before I go to bed - in fact, I can't fall asleep without reading for a while - and I average a book a week. I'll talk about some of the good ones that fall into my lap.

* Deep thoughts on "The Bachelor" 

Stop judging me. I am very, very aware that this show is a - not real at all and b - a complete train wreck.

But I can't stop watching it, mostly because it makes me laugh, and I really like poking fun at all the contestants. So humor my inner mean girl, okay? I rarely allow her and her snarkiness out in public.

* And random musings and updates about my life

Pretty self explanatory. 

I'm sure this blog will evolve into more, but this is a good jumping off point. If you come back and visit on Thursday, I'll tell you about the first time I went bananas.

Intrigued? Good. You should be.

Much love,